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6383-02 Isolated Banana Plug with Two Terminals Red

SKU: 6383-02
Manufacturer: Pomona Electronics
Manuf Part#: 6383-02
Stock: 1
Qty: - +

6383-02 Banana Plugs 

  • Attaches to your wire with commonly available crimp tools or by soldering.
  • Can be used on stranded wire from 18 to 22 AWG with an insulation diameter from 0.060” to 0.150”.
  • Provides safe and secure connections to 4mm shrouded banana jacks recessed for shrouded plugs.
  • Compatible with most digital multimeters from Fluke, Wavetek, Agilent, Amprobe, Greenlee and others.
  • Will comply with IEC1010 CAT II, 300V when properly assembled.
  • One Red, One Black
  • Box 535